FedRAMP would likely dodge any e-government budget cuts

From: FierceGovernmentIT

A General Services Administration official said FedRAMP would likely not be threatened by possible budget cuts, despite being funded by the e-government fund.

While FedRAMP is an e-gov project, it will not be classified as such much longer, Katie Lewin, program manager for Cloud Computing at GSA said while speaking at an April 8 cloud computing forum at the National Institute of Standards and Technology in Gaithersburg, Md. FedRAMP will soon operate within GSA’s Federal Acquisition Service, putting the program in a different budget line.

Watchdogs have publically worried that funding for OMB websites and projects within the e-gov program would be cut from a future, and most likely scaled-down budget.

The federal government is six months into the fiscal year and Congress so far has refused to approve a spending bill that would fund agencies for their entire fiscal year. On April 8, Congress passed a seventh short term measure, or continuing resolution.


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