DHS Media Monitoring Capability: Responsibility in Action

Editor’s Note:  As FISMA Focus has noted,  “federal monitoring of social media is a basic part of protecting public health and promoting the general welfare.”  A recent DHS privacy compliance report “Privacy Compliance Review of the NOC Publicly Available Social Media Monitoring and Situational Awareness Initiative” attests that DHS monitoring media in a manner that protects personal privacy.  The report is attached here.  The report’s conclusion, with acronyms deciphered, is below.

From: DHS

OPS/NOC [Office of Operations Coordination and Planning/National Operations Center] has once again demonstrated its compliance with the January 2011 PIA [Privacy Impact Assessment] Update and February 2011 SORN [Privacy Act System of Records Act Notice]. In addition, OPS/NOC has addressed all of our prior PCR Privacy Compliance Review] recommendations. The DHS Privacy Office makes no further recommendations at this time. Based on the results of this PCR and OPS/NOC’s history of strong performance in the previous four PCRs, the DHS Privacy Office plans to move from a bi-annual to an annual PCR schedule for this initiative. The DHS Privacy Office will continue to monitor the initiative and will require the NOC to self-certify to a set of questions administered by our office in approximately six months. The DHS Privacy Office will begin the next formal PCR in September 2013.


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