Kyl: Cybersecurity a ‘huge problem’

From: Politico


Sen. Jon Kyl (R-Ariz) calls cybersecurity – a tech policy issue that has for years reached roadblocks on Capitol Hill – a “huge problem,”‘ linking it to the investigation that led to the resignation of David Petraeus as CIA director.

“Cybersecurity is a huge problem. If someone is hacking into the director of the CIA, you need to know that. General Petraeus was the director of the CIA and there was a question about his mail, his email accounts. The FBI’s going to look into that, and they’re going to determine is something unauthorized happening here,” Kyl said in an interview aired Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union.” Now, they stumbled upon something totally different. But to your question, no I don’t feel badly if the FBI is going to make sure the director of the CIA is not being hacked into in an unauthorized fashion.”

Kyl’s comments came in response to a question from host Candy Crowley as to whether he was concerned whether the “FBI look[ing] into the private emails of public people…ends up toppling the head of the CIA.

“Petraeus, they had found — they stumbled across the Petraeus issue,” Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass) added.  “When [Kelley] complained there was no mention of Petraeus.

“I’ve gotta say, what surprises me is that these people are still sending emails,” Frank quipped, drawing laughs from the panel.

Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) said that the continued emails were an issue “that goes to judgment.”

“I’ve got to say, I’m talking speculatively here, if these emails to Ms.[Jill] Kelley in Florida were really threatening, I’m not concerned that the FBI has the capacity to make a base-line judgment, is this a real problem that might do damage to this woman and, therefore, we ought to at least do a preliminary investigation,” Lieberman said. “I mean, I think more and more crimes that have been person to person traditionally are going to be committed over the internet. I’m glad the FBI has the capacity to investigate it.”

Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-Texas), said she was “very worried” about the investigation and chain of events that led to the resignation of Petraeus, including at what point President Barack Obama became aware of an investigation.

“I want to know a whole lot more about what these first emails really were and did it really trigger an FBI investigation of the CIA director and at low level, and it wasn’t raised to a higher level?” she said. “I mean, if anybody is investigating the director of the CIA, the president of the United States should know immediately,” Hutchison said. “I feel like a, we don’t know enough, and, b, I have great concerns about a lot of this.”


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