Federal agencies uncertain how to respond to ‘cloud first’

From: FierceGovernmentIT

Security remains the largest concern to public cloud adoption among government and higher education officials, according to an online survey of 646 information technology professionals.

The survey, sponsored by Quest Software and conducted by Norwich University’s School of Graduate and Continuing Studies, has a margin of error of 3.85 at the 95 percent confidence interval. Concerns over security was by a significant margin the largest worry; 50.5 percent of survey participants chose it as the biggest barrier to public cloud adoption. 

And in fact, federal government survey participants who say they’ve made plans to respond to an Office of Management and Budget mandate to have one cloud solution in place by December 2011 and up to three cloud-based programs by June 2012, are eschewing the public cloud. More of them say they’ll set up a private cloud or use another agency’s cloud offerings than directly contract with public cloud offering or use General Service Administration cloud contract vehicles.

Most of them, however, say they’re not yet sure. The margin of error for federal government responses is 5.59 at 95 percent confidence.

When it comes to federal official confidence in current cybersecurity regulations, such as from the Federal Information Security Management Act or the draft FedRAMP guidelines, most federal official say they need beefing up.









The survey is attached below.



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