Rational broadband investment: Why the FCC’s new task force is a good step forward

From: FierceTelecom

By Anna-Maria Kovacs

In an era of scarce capital, the U.S. communications industry is making a  remarkable investment in our country’s infrastructure.  In 2011, wireline,  wireless and cable companies spent a total of $66 billion on their  networks.  But while all of that is encouraging, there is still room for  improvement.  That is why Chairman Genachowski’s announcement that the Federal  Communications Commission has formed a task force to study the technology  transition to broadband and IP is great news.  And given that this  transition impacts state as well as federal regulation, it is helpful that state  regulators via NARUC will have input.

The incumbent telephone companies’ traditional voice service has lost more  than two-thirds of its subscribers to either wireless or cable-company  voice-over-Internet Protocol (VoIP) competitors.  Because this is a  high-fixed cost business, the cost-per-remaining-subscriber on the old network  has increased sharply as subscribers have left plain-old-telephone-service  (POTS).  Nevertheless, various regulatory requirements make it difficult  for the phone companies to stop providing legacy POTS over a circuit-switched  TDM network even where they have new IP-based broadband networks.

This is not a small-ticket problem.  In 2009, a report by the Columbia  Institute for Tele-Information called Broadband in America estimated  that roughly $10 billion per year would be invested in legacy phone networks  each year from 2009 through 2011 by the three largest wireline carriers (CITI,  Table 5).  That $30 billion would represent more than 40 percent of the  capital spent by the phone companies in those three years–$30 billion spent to  provide an obsolete service that consumers are abandoning in droves.

Spending capital on archaic TDM-based networks is not a rational investment  strategy for the companies and does not help them meet the United States’ goal  of ubiquitous high-speed IP-based broadband deployment.

That is why AT&T recently announced that it would increase its capital  investment by $14 billion over the next three years, and dedicate that increase  to IP-based broadband.  But an industry-wide process that redirects capital  to broadband is clearly better than a single company’s efforts.

A coordinated effort by the FCC to examine the issue of network migration  from TDM-based networks to IP-based networks should result in a smoother  migration to the IP-based broadband networks that consumers and businesses need  and that Congress and the Administration consider a national priority.

Part of the TDM-to-IP transition process has to be a review of the  regulations under which the phone companies provide service, to determine what  regulations are necessary in the new IP-broadband world and what regulations can  be eliminated because they are either irrelevant or counter-productive.   For example, rules for rotary and pulse dialing were an issue in the POTS world,  but aren’t in the IP world. On the other hand, cybersecurity was much less of an  issue in the POTS world than it is in the IP world, where it is critical.   Dealing with power outages has to be addressed differently for fiber, wireless  and coax networks than for copper networks, because of the physical  characteristics of these media.  And–given that most consumers now use  either wireless or cable networks–these critical infrastructure concerns are  relevant not only to the phone networks, but to all broadband  networks.

The FCC’s process should help the companies and their regulators understand  the issues that will arise during the TDM-to-IP transition.  This will help  anticipate problems before they can arise on a large scale, thus facilitating a  smooth transition to an all-IP world.  A clear roadmap, in turn, will  incent additional investment in–and redirect the capital to–broadband  networks.

It is far too early to know what the new rules will be, but Google’s Kansas  City (KSC) gigabit-fiber deployment provides one model of rational  broadband-infrastructure investment.  As has been widely reported, Google  obtained various tax, right-of-way and project facilitation benefits from the  city.  But the most important benefit it obtained was the opportunity to  create a business plan that is not constrained by traditional  regulations.

By running neighborhood-presubscription contests, Google determined which  neighborhoods within KSC had enough demand to cost-justify construction, and it  is building only to those.  In addition to its primary $70 per month  gigabit-Internet service and $120 per month gigabit-Internet plus video service,  Google is offering a 5/1 Mbps service that is free once a $300 connection charge  is paid.  It is not building a parallel TDM network to go along with its  IP-based broadband.  In fact, it is not offering voice service at all, thus  avoiding having to comply with even the limited regulations that have been  applied to interconnected VoIP.

This is not necessarily–or even probably–the business plan that will work  for other broadband infrastructure providers, for whom this is a core business  rather than an experiment.  AT&T, for one, made it clear when it  announced its increased capital investment that it would not abandon any  customer who wants to use its service.

But KSC did grasp an essential point–if the city wants an additional  provider of broadband to enter a market that already has several broadband  services (wireline, cable and wireless in this case), it has to allow that  provider to design a creative business plan that reflects the market realities  of consumer demand and established competition.  Similarly, if regulators  want consumers and businesses to benefit from multiple competing IP-based  broadband networks, they must allow all infrastructure providers to operate  rational business plans that take into consideration market demand, the  requirements of the technologies they deploy and competitive  conditions.

As FCC Chairman Genachowski has said, broadband is the innovation  infrastructure.  It is a key engine for economic growth.  It is time  to reform regulations that force companies to waste billions of dollars each  year on obsolete technologies.  It is time for rational broadband  investment and this task force provides a good first step.

Anna-Maria Kovacs is a Visiting Senior Policy Scholar at  Georgetown University’s Center for Business and Public Policy.  She has  covered the communications industry for more than three decades as a financial  analyst and consultant.


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