Business Leaders Want Government Help With Cyber Security (Sort Of)

From: Fast Company

By Nina Mandell

The proposal gets rid of a lot of proposed regulations that ended up sinking the cyber security bill last year

Business leaders went to Washington on Wednesday to ask for help on increasing cyber security against hackers–something the Wall Street Journal points out could help avoid lawmakers’ push to regulate private companies’ cyber security. The issue was a major sticking point in the defeat of a cyber security bill in the Senate last year, when business leaders balked at proposed cyber security “performance” requirements.

The proposal was unveiled by Business Roundtable, a trade group that represents CEOs of top American companies. The group wants the government to agree to increase the exchange of information about cyber threats between government and major companies so companies can protect their systems better.

It comes as President Obama is said to be preparing an executive order to increase cyber security and as Congress is weighing trying to pass another cyber security bill.

The news comes on the heels of a warning from a British government committee that their government’s cyber security is incredibly vulnerable.


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