Rand: American involvement in a cyber crisis is inevitable but manageable

From: FierceGovernmentIT

By Greg Slabodkin

The United States will likely find itself in a cyber crisis owing to the fact  that cybercrimes and espionage continue to rise and the risks from cyberspace  are growing, according to a recently-released Rand Corporation monograph  (.pdf) prepared for the Air Force. Crises are less likely to “emanate from the  unavoidable features of cyberspace” than from “each side’s fear, putatively  exaggerated, of what may result from its failure to respond,” the report  says.

Rand’s basic message for Air Force planners: Crisis and escalation in  cyberspace can be managed as long as policymakers understand the key differences  between nonkinetic conflict in cyberspace and kinetic conflict in the physical  world. Nonkinetic operations also encompass psychological or information  operations, but the Rand study focuses on cyberperations.

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