Panetta: Security of NATO networks, ‘not sufficient to defend against the cyber threat’

From: Atlantic Council

Jorge Benitez

From Leon Panetta, Department of Defense:  [O]ne of the  key security challenges that I’ve focused on during my tenure as  director of the CIA and now as secretary of defense is the threat from  cyber-intrusions and cyber-attacks.

For years, I have been deeply concerned by intellectual  property theft, by attacks against private-sector institutions, and the  continued probing of military and critical infrastructure networks.  We  are literally the target of hundreds of thousands of cyber-attacks every  day, that probe every one of these areas.

State and non-state actors are developing capabilities that  could inflict extraordinary physical and monetary damage, could  paralyze our economies and harm our infrastructure, take down our power  grid system, take down our financial systems, take down our government  systems, take down our banking systems.  That’s a reality.  That  technology is real and threatening today.

As societies that rely on cyberspace, Europe and the United  States have more to gain from stronger cybersecurity than anyone else.   And our economies are so interdependent, failing to act together could  leave all of us dangerously exposed.  This is an area where we are  already working closely with our British counterparts.  And during my  visit to Madrid this week, I also discussed how we could work with the  Spanish and with others to try to develop those capabilities.

For its part, NATO has made important progress in  strengthening the security of its own networks, but those steps alone  are not sufficient to defend against the cyber threat.  The alliance  needs to consider what its role should be in defending member nations  from cyber-attacks.  We must begin to take the necessary steps to  develop additional alliance cyber defense capabilities.  And to that  end, I urge in the coming year that NATO ministers hold a session to  closely examine how the alliance can bolster its defensive cyber  operational capabilities.

Excerpts from remarks by Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta at King’s College, London.


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