House Intel chairman says US ‘under siege’ from cyberattacks

From: Hillicon Valley/The Hill’s Technology Blog

By Jennifer Martinez

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Rogers (R-Mich.) on Wednesday said  the United States is in the middle of a war in cyberspace and “losing” the  battle.

“We are absolutely under siege and we are fooling ourselves if we don’t think we  have a problem,” Rogers said.

The chairman warned that countries like Russia and China are getting more  sophisticated in their cyberattack capabilities, with Iran following closely on  their heels. He said other countries have integrated offensive cyberattack  capabilities into their military planning, which is changing the face of future  warfare.

“We used to do it with bombers and artillery shells, now they’re  doing it with cyber warfare,” Rogers said during a keynote at the winter meeting  of the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners.

While Russia and China would likely not launch a crippling cyberattack  against the U.S. in peacetime, Rogers said, he cautioned that Iran may not use  that same discretion. He said Iran was responsible for a cyberattack on the  Saudi Arabian oil company Aramco. The attack corrupted 30,000 computers at the  oil company and rendered them useless.

“What about countries like Iran?  Backed in a corner, internationally isolated, developing their capability [for  cyberattacks] — can they do something? Would they make a nonrational decision? I  argue, absolutely,” Rogers said.

“Look what they did to the … Saudi  Arabian company called Aramco,” he said. “This is a very, very important  economic tool for that country.”

Rogers said if the Aramco attack was  more successful, it could have shut down communications for “very large swaths”  of the economy in Saudi Arabia and outside the region. He said the cyberattack  could also have impacted the U.S.

Defense Secretary Leon Panetta  referenced the Aramco attack during a speech last year and said  it was “probably the most destructive attack that the private sector has seen to  date.”
To protect the U.S. against a devastating cyberattack, Rogers  said he planned to reintroduce a cybersecurity bill, the Cyber Intelligence  Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA), that would let the intelligence community  share classified cyber threat information with private companies so they can  protect their computer networks from a forthcoming attack in real time.

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