GAO: IRS Corrects Several Information Security Weaknesses, Others Remain

In a new Financial Audit of the IRS, GAO found that the agency has “corrected several information security weaknesses that GAO identified in previous audits.”

GAO also found, however, that the agency has “continued material weakness in internal control over information security, which jeopardizes the reliability of the financial information it processes, could have implications for GAO’s future ability to determine whether IRS’s financial statements are fairly stated because as IRS continues to automate its processes, the availability of alternative methods of obtaining reasonable assurance that its financial statements are fairly stated diminish. This weakness also significantly increases the risk that sensitive taxpayer information may be compromised.”

GAO also stated that the “material weaknesses in internal control over unpaid tax assessments and information systems security may adversely affect any decision by IRS’s management that is based, in whole or in part, on information that is inaccurate because of these deficiencies.”

The complete GAO report is attached below.



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