House approves FISMA modernization bill, two other cyber bills

From: 1500AM

By Jason Miller

The House passed three cybersecurity bills Tuesday, including the much-needed  update to the Federal Information Security Management Act. But the one House bill  many believe would be most worthwhile, the Cybersecurity Information Sharing and  Protection Act (CISPA), is stuck in the same debate whirlpool as last session and  faces a possible veto by President Barack Obama.

The main sticking point in CISPA for the  administration and privacy and civil liberties groups is around how the bill would  require the private sector to protect information when shared with the government.

“We have long said that information sharing improvements are essential to  effective legislation, but they must include proper privacy and civil liberties  protections, reinforce the appropriate roles of civilian and intelligence  agencies, and include targeted liability protections,” said Caitlin Hayden,  spokeswoman for the White House National Security Council, in an emailed  statement. “Under the leadership of the chairman and ranking member, the [House  Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence] adopted several amendments to H.R. 624  (CISPA) in a good faith effort to incorporate some of the administration’s  important substantive concerns.  However, CISPA as reported still does not address  these fundamental priorities adequately.”

The White House’s Statement of Administration Policy said the bill falls short  because it “does not require private entities to take reasonable steps to remove  irrelevant personal information when sending cybersecurity data to the government  or other private sector entities. Citizens have a right to know that corporations  will be held accountable — and not granted immunity — for failing to  safeguard personal information adequately.”

The House Rules Committee today decided how to move forward with amendments, but  the full chamber didn’t debate or vote on the bill.

The lower chamber, however, did debate and vote on three  other cyber bills.

The FISMA Modernization Act passed easily 416-0.  This was the second session in a row the full body passed the update. Last year,  the Senate included FISMA updates as part of the comprehensive cybersecurity bill  that died under its own weight.

“H.R. 1163 has many authors … but it also has [the support of] every committee  chairman and every ranking member in the House,” said Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.), chairman of the Oversight and Government Reform Committee, and one of the  main sponsors of the bill, during the floor discussion. “This bipartisan  legislation will address the shortcomings of FISMA by incorporating recent  technological innovations, and enhance and strengthen the current framework that  protects federal information technology systems.”

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