Nation’s critical infrastructure cyber defenses weak, DHS tells hearing

From: PC Advisor

By John P. Mello

The nation’s critical infrastructure is vulnerable to cyber attacks and better  information sharing is needed to strengthen defenses.

That’s the message Charles Edwards, deputy inspector general for the U.S.  Department of Homeland Security, told a Congressional committee at a public hearing on Thursday.

Since 1990, Industrial Control Systems (ICS), which are used to manage  components of the country’s critical infrastructure, have been connecting to the  Internet to improve their operations, Edwards explained in written testimony submitted to the House  Subcommittee on Cybersecurity, Infrastructure Protection and Security  Technologies.

However, companies hooked their control systems into the public Internet with  little regard for security. “[Security] for ICS was inherently weak because it  allowed remote control of processes and exposed ICS to cyber security risks that  could be exploited over the Internet,” Edwards said.

“As a result, ICS are increasingly under attack by a variety of malicious  sources,” he continued. ” These attacks range from hackers looking for attention  and notoriety to sophisticated nation-states intent on damaging equipment and  facilities, disgruntled employees, competitors, and even personnel who  inadvertently bring malware into the workplace by inserting an infected flash  drive into a computer.”

Edwards cited survey results that showed that a majority of the companies in  the energy sector had experienced cyber attacks, and about 55 percent of these  attacks targeted control systems.

“Successful attacks on ICS can give malicious users direct control of  operational systems,” he said, “creating the potential for large-scale power  outages or man-made environmental disasters and cause physical damage, loss of  life, and other cascading effects that could disrupt services.”

He went on to say that information sharing between government and the  operators of control systems was important in strengthening the security of  those systems.

“DHS has strengthened the security of ICS by addressing the need to share  critical cybersecurity information, analyze vulnerabilities, verify emerging  threats, and disseminate mitigation strategies,” he said.

[Also see: Experts ding DHS vulnerability sharing plan as too  limited]

Threat information sharing has been a sore point between the federal  government and private sector for years. “The government classifies information  that on review or second look needs to be classified,” Shane Shook, chief  knowledge officer and global vice president of consulting for Cylance, said in  an interview.

“By classifying it,” he said, “they restrict it so much that it’s not  available to the organizations and people it really matters to.”

Information in cybersecurity is continuously evolving so even short delays in  receiving information can be harmful. “You can’t wait three weeks, six months —  whatever the period is for government review — in order to have information  that’s useful,” Shook said.

He acknowledged, though, that in the last two years the DHS has done a great  job passing information the energy and financial sector. “The problem is the  information is always six to nine months old,” he said.

To obtain better and faster threat information banks and energy companies  have formed their own alliances to share information. “They’ll share IP  addresses, domain names and file names that allow them to detect ongoing  campaigns within hours of noticing them,” Shook said.

“They’re forming alliances to share information that they can’t get from  government,” he added.

A major criticism of the government’s handling of threat information has been  that it considers sharing a one-way street: it wants the private sector to be  generous with what it gives the government, but  stingy with what it gives the private sector.

“That has been very, very true for a long time,” Phyllis Schneck, vice  president and global public sector chief technology officer for McAfee, said in  an interview. “But I’ve seen that change drastically over the past two  years.”

“The government is beginning to understand that to engage industry, you can’t  just ask for something and never be heard from again,” she said.

Going forward, trust will play an important role in information sharing, said  Bit9 CTO Harry Sverdlove. “It requires trust on both parts — on the government  to disclose information as expediently and consistently as possible,” he said in  an interview, “as well as trust on private companies receiving information to  share some of their intelligence with the federal government.”


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