SANS cyber security awareness training for eager utility employees … and their regulators

From: SmartGridSecurityBlog

Posted byAndy Bochman

I recently stumbled upon some excellent online training materials from the well respected SANS Institute that could be quite useful to you and your organization.

In a series of online modules, many of them tailored to the particular needs of utilities, SANS “Securing the Human” courseware seems to be an easily digestible, self-paced way to get important cyber security awareness messages across to a large number of users.

Note: NERC CIP content here is constructed around version 3, so with newer versions now approved by NERC and FERC, SANS will want to update certain modules accordingly. But 99% of the material is right on the mark, and would be appropriate for electric sector personnel outside the US as well.

Wherever you fit in the ecosystem, whether you’re an executive or a rank and file worker bee, whether you’re in a utility, a regulatory agency, a vendor, or just a user of digital technology who wants to stay safe, recommend you check it out.



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