Big Data lessons from the EPRI Smart Distribution and Power Quality Conference

From: SmartGridNews

By Jeff Stevenson

The  Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) and Commonwealth Edison (ComEd) hosted a conference and exhibition to explore the technologies, innovations, and practices that will shape the future of the electric power grid. The conference was split into three tracks – Grid Modernization, Power Quality and Smart Grid Information, allowing participants to gather and share insights about emerging technologies, best practices and practical experiences.

As the transmission and distribution power grids are modernized and additional data are collected at various points in the system, utilities are finding that “Big Data” is touching nearly all aspects of the industry. Utilities must manage and process increasing amounts of data to create actionable information. One session, IT and OT Convergence, addressed the big data issue. Three different presenters offered their perspective on the impetus and challenges of Information Technology (IT) and Operational Technology (OT) coexisting within an organization. Historically, Operations organizations have created their own, separate technology functions because they perceived that their needs could not be met by the IT organization. Reasons included IT’s lack of understanding, lack of urgency, or proposing solutions that were too expensive. As grids have been equipped with sensor and data collection technology, Operations organizations have had to collect and process more data and many have tried to initially tackle this task on their own.

Gerald R. Gray, PhD., Enterprise Architecture & Integration with EPRI, stated that once utilities recognize these separate technology silos and want to do something about them, they typically take one of three paths: Re-org, Re-engage or Re-align. Whether a utility completely reorganizes its staff, realigns employees based on certain skill sets or endeavors to simply increase communication, paying attention to the concept of enterprise architecture (EA) can make a difference in the success of the effort. EA ensures that an enterprise view is applied and considered throughout the process.

Every organization has some degree of enterprise architecture. However, when this concept is formalized, understood and then combined with the guiding principles of the organization, extraordinary achievements can be accomplished. The business operation and IT operation can become more aligned and more efficient, which reduces the risks associated with future investments. In many cases, this alignment is becoming a priority as the volume and complexity of data outpaces the operations staff’s ability to process it. Having the right people in the right place focused in the right direction is the key to success.

Later, Great River Energy provided a real world example of IT/OT alignment. Mark Peterson, Supervisor of Operations Engineering and Ron Schmitz, Manager of Information Services, shared their perspectives on what their utility did to increase the collaboration of these two organizations. Like many utilities, Great River’s operations staff had developed its own technology function. Network technologies converged, data ballooned, and cyber security regulations increased at the same time organizational changes reduced the size of the staff. Both organizations were challenged with the change at first, but recognized that both were needed to operate the business. Neither staff could get by just “doing what needed to be done” and continuing to work independently.

The end result was a more efficient organization where the IT and OT functions work more collaboratively. They attend each others’ staff meetings and have seen a reduction in overall costs. Their ability to incorporate additional new technologies was improved because they realized they were working toward a shared goal instead of working at odds. Working together, they created a more cohesive, efficient, and productive organization. This alignment is not something that happened overnight but through incremental changes to philosophies and procedures. IT/OT alignment has helped address shortcomings, improved situational awareness and will continue to grow and adapt.

Larry Clark, Principal Engineer of Power Delivery for Alabama Power Company (APC), is a 45 year veteran of the company and has seen the evolution of the utility and the advent of the “smart grid.” Mr. Clark noted that data from RTUs such as line current and phase voltage monitoring, fault detection and power quality measurements have not replaced the need for poles to be set or wire to be strung, but do help in the management of the system. Grid operational decisions are enhanced by helping operators understand pre- and post-event loads and voltages to aid in restoration efforts. Development of automatic transfer schemes provide self-healing to the grid and other smart technologies helps minimize distribution system loses. He concluded by stating that an integrated distribution management system provides for more effective and efficient system operation, allowing the operations center personnel to drive engineering solutions and better coordinate demand response.

The increased complexity of the power grid has created compelling reasons for utilities to take steps toward bringing their IT and OT functions closer together. IT and OT organizations bring valuable perspectives to the table, but these perspectives are not shared if both groups work independently. As utilities invest in distribution or transmission modernization through systems acquisition, upgrade, or perhaps a big data project, it will be imperative that all stakeholders are engaged. In times of constrained resources, utilities simply cannot afford the risk or the additional costs of continuing to work in silos.

Some next steps that utilities may consider include better understanding their internal culture and which of the three overarching strategies might best fit their needs: Reorganizing with both IT and OT reporting to a single CTO/CIO, realigning by only changing the organization where skill-sets match, such as IT communications support, field network, or SCADA network support, or at a minimum, making sure that both IT and OT people are in the room when requirements are gathered for new modernization projects.

Jeff Stevenson is Research Portfolio Manager for the Electric Power Research Institute.


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