Manufacturers: Cybersecurity Means Economic and National Security

From: NAM

National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) Vice President of Tax, Technology and Domestic Economic Policy Dorothy Coleman testified before the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation on behalf of manufacturers in the U.S. regarding “The Partnership Between NIST and the Private Sector: Improving Cybersecurity.” Manufacturers are committed to the protection of intellectual property (IP), sensitive data and national security. In her testimony, Coleman announced the NAM’s support for the work undertaken by the committee this year.

“Cybersecurity is tantamount to economic and national security. Defending against cyber threats is a top priority for manufacturers. As holders of the world’s leading IP, including designs, patents and trade secrets, manufacturers are consistently targeted by cyber thieves. The NAM has called for an effective public-private partnership that permits information sharing between the government and businesses to better ascertain and protect against these threats.

The Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee is taking steps to address this critical issue without adding burdensome and repetitive regulation that would defeat the purpose of cybersecurity efforts. The committee’s work reflects a thoughtful step forward toward shoring up our cybersecurity so that manufacturers in the United States may continue to grow and lead our economy through innovation.”

To view the full testimony, please click here.


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