Putting Enterprise Risk Under the Microscope

From: E-Commerce Times

By Dana Gardner

“We have to find a way to embed risk assessment … to make ourselves more competitive,” said TIAA-CREF’s Jack Freund. “Whether that’s an embedded function within IT or an overarching function that exists across multiple business units, there are different models that work for different size companies and companies of different cultural types. But it has to be there. It’s absolutely critical.”

Recent developments in the cybersecurity landscape have heightened interest in the challenges associated with accurately anticipating and understanding risk, and using that knowledge to better manage organizations.

Enterprises are better delivering risk assessment and, one hopes, defenses, in the current climate of challenging cybersecurity. Nation-state types of threats may have a very serious impact on organizations.

President Obama has directed the National Institute of Standards and Technology to develop a new cybersecurity framework. The administration has sharpened its focus on what can be done to improve cybersecurity throughout the United States’ critical infrastructure.

In this podcast, a panel of experts discuss how predicting risks and potential losses accurately is an essential ingredient in enterprise transformation.

Jack Freund is information security risk assessment manager at  TIAA-CREF. Jack has spent more than 14 years in enterprise IT, is a visiting professor at DeVry University, and also chairs a Risk-Management Subcommittee for the ISACA.

Jack Jones, principal at  CXOWARE, has more than nine years of experience as a chief information security officer. He is also an inventor of the FAIR risk analysis framework.

Jim Hietala is vice president, security, at  The Open Group.

The discussion is moderated by Dana Gardner, principal analyst at  Interarbor Solutions.

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