GPS flaw could let terrorists hijack ships, planes

From: Fox News

By John Roberts

The world’s GPS system is vulnerable to hackers or terrorists who could use  it to hijack ships — even commercial airliners, according to a frightening new  study that exposes a huge potential hole in national security.

Using a laptop, a small antenna and an electronic GPS “spoofer” built for  $3,000, GPS expert Todd Humphreys and his team at the University of Texas took  control of the sophisticated navigation system aboard an $80 million, 210-foot  super-yacht in the Mediterranean Sea.

“We injected our spoofing signals into its GPS antennas and we’re basically  able to control its navigation system with our spoofing signals,” Humphreys told  Fox News.

By feeding counterfeit radio signals to the yacht, the UT team was able to  drive the ship far off course, steer it left and right, potentially take it into  treacherous waters, even put it on a collision course with another ship. All the  time, the ship’s GPS system reported the vessel was calmly moving in a straight  line, along its intended course. No alarms, no indication that anything was  amiss.

Capt. Andrew Schofield, who invited Humphreys and his team aboard to conduct  the experiment told Fox News he and his crew were stunned by the results.

“Professor Humphreys and his team did a number of attacks and basically we on  the bridge were absolutely unaware of any difference,” Schofield said. “I was  gobsmacked — but my entire deck team was similarly gobsmacked,” he told Fox  News.

The possible consequences, according to Humphreys, are both ominous and  far-reaching.

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