Definition changes ‘driving force’ behind federal data center tally, says VanRoekel

From: FierceGovernmentIT

By David Perera

Changes in the Office of Management and Budget definition of “data center”  are more responsible for the growth in enumerated federal data centers than poor  inventory management, Federal Chief Information Officer Steven VanRoekel told a  July 25 House panel.

The official tally of federal data centers at the 24 largest agencies as of  July 2013 was 6,836, according to testimony  (.pdf) from the Government Accountability Office–a number that likely  understates the total since only 22 of 24 CFO Act agencies reported; the  Veterans Affairs Department and the Social Security Administration did not  provide an updated inventory.

That number is more than double the 3,133 data centers in the OMB tally as of  December 2011. “When we see the inventories growing as they have over  time…there is still concern, have we captured everything?” said David Powner,  GAO director of information technology issues.

Uncertain reckoning is partially responsible for the growth, acknowledged  VanRoekel, but said that changing the definition of a data center “has been the  driving force behind the number increasing.”
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