Cyber Task Force To Serve Co-ops


By Cathy Cash

As cyber threats demand that electricity providers take more responsibility to safeguard their operations, NRECA is forming a task force to ensure that cooperatives’ needs are served when cyber security standards, regulations and legislation take shape.

The NRECA Cyber Security Task Force will focus on the implementation of revised cyber security standards by the North American Electric Reliability Corp. and provide feedback to NRECA on cyber security legislation when needed.

NRECA officials said they want to hear from co-op members interested in joining the task force to help shape sound cyber security policies going forward. The task force will primarily serve as an email/listserv group with occasional meetings and conference calls.

“NRECA looks forward to robust participation in our new Cyber Security Task Force to help focus our efforts in representing electric cooperatives in regulatory, standards development and legislative activities that are important to our members,” said Barry Lawson, NRECA’s associate director, power delivery and reliability.

Membership is unlimited for co-op staff and co-ops are encouraged to contact Lawson to join.

“We are trying to get critical mass right away to help us on certain issues this year,” he said.

To join the task force or for more information, contact Barry Lawson at (703) 907-5781 or



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