International Conference on Cyber Security

From: Central Intelligence Agency

Earlier this summer, Director of the Central Intelligence Agency John Brennan, Director of the National Security Agency (NSA) and Commander of US Cyber Command General Keith Alexander, and Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Robert Mueller participated in a panel discussion on cyber issues at the fourth International Conference on Cyber Security (ICCS) at Fordham University. Speaking to about 400 people from law enforcement agencies, academic institutions, and private universities, the three leaders discussed the growing need for greater federal government and private industry interconnectedness to manage cyber threats.

Sponsored by the FBI and Fordham University, ICCS is a three-day conference held every 18 months that brings together speakers from the government, private sector, and academia to discuss their insights into cyber threat analysis, operations, and law enforcement.

To view DCIA Brennan’s remarks please see the video below, a transcript is also available.



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