Verizon exec blasts ‘consumer-centric’ Google, Yahoo, Microsoft over NSA lawsuit

From: RT

Tech firms seeking court orders to make public details of their dealings with the NSA are ‘consumer-centric’ grandstanders disregarding US national security, according to public remarks from an irritated Verizon president, John Stratton.

The stinging critique Stratton launched at a media event in Tokyo targeted Google, Yahoo and Microsoft, who are preparing a lawsuit seeking the overturn of a government order, which forbids them to make public their relations with intelligence agencies.

The companies have been giving the government access to customer data, according to leaks from former NSA contractor, Edward Snowden. They are barred from openly discussing the issue, but say they want to do so to mitigate the damage to their image over the apparent privacy violations.

“I appreciate that the consumer-centric IT firms… that it’s important to grandstand a bit, and wave their arms and protest loudly so as not to offend the sensibility of their customers,” Stratton said as cited by ZDnet. This is a more important issue than that which is generated in a press release. This is a matter of national security.”

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