Big Data Could Create an Era of Big Discrimination

From: Yahoo Finance


Personal data harvested by marketers is growing so vast and far reaching that it is threatening to unleash a new wave of digital discrimination, one that ordinary people won’t even be able to see happening, Microsoft principal researcher Kate Crawford is warning.

Combining the troves of information collected by retailers, mobile carriers, Internet companies and others into massive databases creates so-called big data sets. Computers then troll the data looking for patterns that can be used to make predictions about consumer habits.

“Some people think that big data is really quite fantastic because you’re working at a mass level and therefore you can’t actually conduct group-based discrimination,” Crawford said, speaking at the EmTech conference at MIT this week. “It’s actually quite the opposite. Big data is not color blind, it’s not gender blind and, in fact, marketers are using big data to have ever-more precise categories about you.”

A recent study at Cambridge University looking at almost 60,000 people’s Facebook “likes” was able to predict with high degrees of accuracy their gender, race, sexual orientation and even a tendency to drink excessively. The model could tell a gay man from a straight man correctly 88% of the time and predict race with 95% accuracy, for example. Government agencies, employers or landlords could easily obtain such data, Crawford warns.

A lender, for example, who didn’t want borrowers of a certain race could show online offers only to people whose social network activity fit certain parameters. Banks must report detailed statistics about their actual lending activity to regulators, but web advertising parameters are seemingly free of discrimination. By never putting offers in front of unwanted groups, and thus never formally rejecting them, those who engage in online discrimination could sidestep fair lending and redlining laws that apply in the physical world.

Most concern about data collection has focused on the government, particularly after the revelations from former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden. Crawford welcomed the increased skepticism following the Snowden leaks but warns there is much potential harm from commercial misuse of data, as well.

“It’s not that big data is effectively discriminating — it is, we know that it is,” says Crawford. “It’s that you will never actually know what those discriminations are.”

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