DHS FY ’14 GPRA Plan Highlights Cybersecurity

Editor’s Note:  The DHS OIG’s Annual Performance Plan for  Fiscal Year 2014 is available here.  In the brief excerpt below, The Office of Management’s Information Technology Division announces it will “will begin planning to upgrade all laptop computers with the latest base operating system.”  The plan is consistent with Internet Security and Privacy Advisory Board’s recommendation that outdated/obsolete operating systems be phased out.

Operating System Upgrade

In FY 2014, the vendor will no longer support the current Windows XP operating system (OS). ITD will begin planning to upgrade all laptop computers with the latest base operating system. This new platform will also include updating to newer releases of core applications, including: Microsoft Office, Adobe, Encryption, and TeamMate. The OS upgrade will provide employees with additional features, security, and functionality. To meet this goal, ITD will build the framework for automated system configurations. OM will propose a communications plan to limit disruptions, and ITD along with the OM Training and Workforce Development Division (TWD) will begin training employees prior to deployment. This upgrade is expected to start in the first quarter of FY 2014 and continue through the third quarter.


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