Healthcare privacy and security needs: Federal perspective

From: HealthITSecurity

Author Name  Patrick Ouellette

David Holtzman recently left his role as Office for Civil Rights (OCR) Senior Privacy & Security advisor to bring his extensive knowledge to CynergisTek, Inc. and discussed how he wanted to continue to help healthcare organizations, but in different ways. But who needs the most help and what are some of the pressing issues for these organizations? Holtzman detailed some of his views on different types of healthcare providers facing federal privacy and security requirements while simultaneously complying with federal EHR incentive program regulations in an interview with

Holtzman explained that the intersection of meaningful use requirements and privacy and security stipulations has put many organizations in a bind without the necessary expertise in place to handle both ends of the spectrum.

In my view, small and medium healthcare providers and facilities, such as hospitals and specialty clinics, are being hammered [right now] from a number of different directions. The business environment is requiring them to develop and implement the most cost-effective procedures while squeezing every penny out of every dime. And they’re being put into this environment because the economics of healthcare will no longer accept “care at any cost”. So that means they have to be able to demonstrate both efficiency in the provision of care, quality in the care that’s provided and they must be able to measure their care as well as keeping the healthcare information confidential and with integrity.

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