Cloud vendors must meet federal security standards by June

From: Federal Times


The June deadline is quickly approaching for cloud providers to prove their services meet federal security standards.

Meanwhile, agencies are being advised to inventory whether their cloud contractors have made the cut.

The deadline isn’t that far off considering it can take a company six months to complete the government’s security cloud program, known as FedRAMP. Cloud services in use at federal agencies must meet FedRAMP security requirements by June 5.

“If agencies have cloud providers that have not been accredited they should contact my office and ask if they are in the pipeline,” said Maria Roat with the General Services Administration. Roat, who serves as FedRAMP director, spoke last month at the Federal Cloud Computing Summit in Washington.

If those companies are not in the pipeline, agencies must decide whether they should work with cloud providers to get their services accredited through FedRAMP, Roat said. They can also have the company work directly with the FedRAMP office to get accredited.

It can take an agency about 4½ months to complete a FedRAMP review or six months for a company to undergo the process on its own, Roat said.

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