CERT-UK launched by Francis Maude to battle cyberattack threat

From: ComputerWorld.UK

Late but ready to roll

By John E Dunn

Britain’s brand new Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-UK) has finally been launched, the latest and most high-profile part of the Government’s long-running overhaul of UK cyber-defences.

Predictably late given the complexity of its brief – UK-CERT was supposed to have been up and running in 2013 – the organisation will act as the important anchor point for any national response to major cyber-incidents, particularly those against critical national infrastructure.

The organisation will also act as an coordination point for incidents that span national boundaries as many are sure to do in future.

“Of course, we will never be able to eradicate cyber threats completely, but you can lessen the impact. Only by working closely together – at home and overseas – can we increase awareness and build resilience to reduce the impact of cyber threats,” said Cabinet Office Minister, Francis Maude during the launch event in London.

“Government can’t do this by itself. I think CERT-UK shows our intent on where we want to go: ever closer coordination between government, business and academia to share insights and share advice; better cooperation with our international partners,” he said.

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