Eugene Kaspersky: major cyberterrorist attack is only matter of time

Editor’s Note: By way of background, from Wired, “high tech firms like Kaspersky Lab have to cooperate with the siloviki, the network of military, security, law enforcement, and KGB veterans at the core of the Putin regime.”

From: The Guardian

Nations must be ready for a remote attack on critical infrastructure, including power and transport systems, says security expert

A major, global cyberterrorist attack has long been the stuff of fiction, the threat that a malevolent hacker could bring down businesses, sabotage power plants and cause widespread death and destruction by bringing down planes, traffic systems and defence networks.

But whether a scenario like that imagined in the 2007 film Die Hard 4 would happen is now a question of when, rather than if – according to renowned security expert Eugene Kaspersky.

The founder of the independent Kaspersky Lab security company, Kaspersky revealed to the Guardian that a cyberterrorist attack, similar to Die Hard’s “fire sale” scenario, is his biggest fear and that the UK and most other nations are ill-prepared for it.

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