U.S. Plays Catch-Up with China on Cyber Warfare

From: The Fiscal Times


Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel’s plan to add 6,000 warriors and $5 billion to the Pentagon’s cyber warfare unit is an ambitious one. Like many ambitious plans made by the Pentagon over the years, the federal government cannot do it alone.

To build this force, DOD is going to have to work with private companies, defense contractors and other outside vendors. The reason for this is simple: there isn’t enough expertise inside the Pentagon’s five walls to build a cyber army that’s capable of facing off with China, a country with a cyber force much more sophisticated than the one at DOD.

Hagel has already conceded to China that the United States is lagging behind. In an effort to even the playing field, Hagel unilaterally released DOD’s cyber strategy to the Chinese with the hopes that China would reciprocate.

“It is in both countries’ interests to minimize the risk of destabilizing behavior in cyberspace,” a document provided to the Chinese by Hagel in April stated.

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