Spying charges ratchet up fears for multinationals in China

From: WSJ/live mint


Firms pursing opportunities in China must increasingly count cybersecurity among the rising costs of a presence in the world’s most-populous nation

Google Inc sends an e-mail to some employees traveling to China warning that it’s a restricted country and online access to some internal systems will be limited, according to a person familiar with company policy.

Kyocera Corp only makes photovoltaic cells in Japan and is reviewing cybersecurity measures at its solar-panel assembly plant in Tianjin. Infineon Technologies AG, Europe’s second- biggest chipmaker, fends off thousands of attacks from China every day, although most are amateurish, said a person familiar with the situation.

US accusations of corporate spying by a Shanghai-based military unit have raised the stakes on the daily, behind-the- scenes struggle multinational companies face to protect intellectual property rights and confidential business plans in China. Military hackers stole designs for key reactor components from Westinghouse Electric Co, the justice department said.

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