Travelling officials easy prey for foreign hackers: federal records

From: Ottawa Sun

Jason Fekete


Canadian government officials are regularly targeted on their BlackBerrys and other electronic devices by foreign states and businesses, posing serious security risks and potentially “disastrous” consequences for federal organizations.

Internal federal government memos from three sources – the prime minister’s national security adviser, the Communications Security Establishment Canada (CSEC), and the deputy minister of natural resources – warn senior government officials that their BlackBerrys, tablets, laptops and other devices can easily be compromised when they are travelling internationally.

Various “threat actors” abroad — including foreign states — might target Canadian officials by delivering malicious code to electronic devices; accessing the device to track their location; activating the microphone on a smart phone to eavesdrop; and intercepting voice and data communications sent electronically, according to the memos obtained by the Citizen.

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