U.S. Launches Initiative For Procurement Cybersecurity

From: Busines Solutions

By Trisha Leon, contributing writer

Recent cyberattacks on Target, Neiman Marcus, and others have emphasized the importance of cybersecurity. These types of breeches have occurred in many different ways, including through POS (point of sale) transactions, disabled antivirus/antimalware agents, and social engineering with phishing emails. Attackers constantly seek new vulnerabilities to exploit.

In light of criminal cyberactivity, the U.S. government has launched an initiative designed to protect the supply chain of both civilian and military agencies from potential cyberattacks, which will be especially important in the e-commerce procurement process. The agencies involved with creating the plan, the General Services Administration (GSA) and the Department of Defense (DoD), have issued a report with recommendations to implement a “repeatable, scalable process for addressing cyber-risk in federal acquisitions based on the risk inherent to the product or service being purchased.”

The following four recommendations were released in a report by the GSA and DoD:

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