Keynote Remarks of Chairman Allison M. Macfarlane At the NRC Fuel Cycle Information Exchange (FCIX)

From: US Nuclear Regulatory Commission

Good afternoon, and thank you, Marissa, for the introduction. It’s a pleasure to see all of you here, and I’d like to thank the presenters and the NRC staff for making this year’s Fuel Cycle Information Exchange another successful event.

This year’s conference agenda reflects the NRC’s broad range of oversight responsibilities in regulating the nuclear fuel cycle. To accomplish our mission in this area, we collaborate with a variety of other government agencies and international partners to share insights and experience.

I’m pleased to see a number of government and international representatives here today; we appreciate your continued coordination. I hope you’ve found the past two days’ discussions valuable.


Recognizing that the Executive Branch has primary responsibility for assessing non-proliferation risks, the NRC plays a key role in upholding U.S. commitments through its import and export licensing mandate, as well as its fuel cycle facility oversight responsibility. The NRC works closely with the Departments of State, Energy, Commerce, and Defense on export control matters. We also ensure an adequate regulatory framework for material control and accounting, physical protection, cybersecurity, and information security for our licensees . Through these activities, we demonstrate that effective regulation is an essential aspect of a country’s ability to benefit fully from peaceful uses of nuclear technology.

Read Complete Remarks


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