Achieve Innovation through Social Entrepreneurship, Not “Intrapreneurs”

Editor’s Note: The ability of social and policy entrepreneurs to change how organzations operate through their initiative and enterprise have been well documented in the literature. For more information on how to transform organizations through entrepreneurhsip, see the Ecopreneurist article Development of Social Entrepreneurs in US Could Add to Bottom Line of Nation and The Environmental Forum article, Accomplishment Beyond Dollars.

From: FCW

Money, promiscuous partnering and ‘intrapreneurs’

By Colby Hochmuth

Innovation is tied to spending, but not in the way one might think.

“There is no statistical correlation between performance and spend,” said Rob Shelton, Price Waterhouse Cooper’s global lead for innovation strategy. And the number one motivator for breakthrough innovations, he said, is recognition, not money.

“Breakthrough innovators want to change the world, and they want recognition that they helped to do it,” Shelton said. “Making sure they get that recognition is absolutely essential.”

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