FCC: Companies must step up to improve cybersecurity or else…

From: Tech Times

By Lori Sandoval

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is urging all network providers and telecommunications companies to take steps in enhancing cybersecurity measures, or else it will enforce regulations to make accountabilities. 

Delivering remarks at the American Enterprise Institute in Washington, D.C. on June 12, FCC chairman Tom Wheeler says stakeholders in this sector must come up with new paradigm for cyber readiness or for cyber risk management, starting with leaders in the private sector recognizing how easily these cyber threats cross national and corporate boundaries.

“The challenge is that this private sector-led effort must be more dynamic than traditional regulation and more measurably effective than blindly trusting the market or voluntary best practices to defend our country. The new paradigm for the communications sector must be real and meaningful. It has to work,” Wheeler says.

If it doesn’t work, he says everyone must be ready with alternatives.

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