Attack on Reuters Makes Mockery of Cyber Security

From: LiveScience Op-Ed

By Bill Buchanan, Edinburgh Napier University  

This article was originally published at The Conversation. The publication contributed the article to Live Science’s Expert Voices: Op-Ed & Insights.

One big security issue that has arisen lately concerns control of news media. National boundaries have become blurred on the internet, and the control any nation can have over information dissemination has been eroded – on news websites but especially on open platforms such as Twitter and Facebook.

Witness the activities of the Syrian Electronic Army (SEA), a pro-Assad group of “hacktivists”, which despite limited resources managed to compromise one of the leading news agencies in the world. It wasn’t even the first time – it has already attacked the agency several times before, not to mention its other attacks on the Financial Times, Washington Post, New York Times and Associated Press.

At midday on Sunday, people reading Reuters content found themselves redirected to a page which stated:

Syrian Electronic Army warning

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