FERC Commissioner Clark: Cyber threats can render new regulations, standards immediately obsolete

 Editor’s Note: The complete text of the Clark and Meidhof article, “Ensuring Reliability and a Fair Energy Marketplace” is available from FERC here.

From: TransmissionHub

, Research Analyst

With the passage of the 2005 Energy Policy Act (EPA), FERC has been able to augment reliability standard enforcement for the bulk electric system (BES) and the investigation of market manipulation.

However, new risks to the BES, such as cybersecurity threats, challenge regulators to keep regulations and standards relevant, according to FERC Commissioner Tony Clark, in his article, “Ensuring Reliability and a Fair Energy Marketplace.”

“Indeed, a ‘standard’ in the context of cyber security is itself a bit of a misnomer,” Clark said. “For as soon as a standard is written in the cyber world, it can become obsolete.”

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