Banking Botnet Gang Shows How Cyber-criminals Specialize for Profit

From: eWeek

By Robert Lemos

The takedown has disrupted the botnet, but Shylock’s development shows that online thieves can profitably narrow their focus on smaller markets.

A concerted takedown effort led by the United Kingdom’s National Crime Agency has disrupted the Shylock botnet, taking down key servers on July 8 and 9. 

While the takedown will likely hobble their efforts, the Shylock group’s success shows that smaller botnets can still be very profitable, according to security researchers. 

The cyber-criminals behind the Shylock botnet focused on infecting users in the United Kingdom and staying abreast of countermeasures implemented by banks, which allowed them to steal millions of dollars, security firm Symantec stated in an analysis of the malware and the group behind it.

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