EU digital upgrade: Europe needs harmonised policy

From: The Parliament

Written by Spiro Dhapi

The commission’s new term has been branded as the era of the digital economy and the pursuit of a ‘digital upgrade’ of Europe. It is expected to be one that will bring growth and jobs within the common market and that will make European economies even more competitive compared to the US or China, for example.

Of course, many challenges remain and the previous commission left a lot of work unfinished. Recently, the commission launched the data protection reform, which was announced in 2012, and includes new general data protection regulation and a directive on the processing of personal data by competent authorities. In addition, a new strategy has been unveiled for ‘an open, safe and secure cyberspace’, as well as a proposal for a new cybersecurity directive.

The data protection reform includes plans for the creation of national data protection authorities (DPA), which will be entrusted with the duty to enforce a uniform set of rules across the EU, to be applied both to companies based in the EU and those established in third countries. The basic idea is to create a harmonised legal environment across the 28 member states, that will provide the safety and stability needed to attract investors and inspire growth.

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