FBI warns firms of destructive malware use by hackers

From: BBC

The US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has warned that cyber-hackers have used malicious software to launch destructive attacks in the US.

A five-page confidential warning was issued to US businesses on Monday, according to Reuters news agency.

The software would make it impossible to recover any lost data, the FBI said.

The warning follows a confirmation from the FBI that it is investigating last week’s hack into Sony Pictures Entertainment’s network.

Sony Pictures was forced to shut down its corporate network in the attack and some of its unreleased films have also been leaked online.


North Korea in the spotlight

There have been accusations that North Korea may have been responsible for the attack on Sony Pictures after the country’s government described a film due to be released by the studio on Christmas Day as an “undisguised sponsoring of terrorism as well as an act of war”.

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