White House requests $78.9B in IT spending

From: FierceGovernmentIT

The federal government is requesting $78.9 billion for information technology spending during the coming fiscal year, not accounting for the intelligence community, for IT embedded into weapons systems or satellites, or for IT spending that agencies don’t classify as IT for budget purposes. The real amount the government spends annually on IT is unknown, but some budget analysts have said it may be as much as 40 to 50 percent greater than the OMB number.

The fiscal 2013 request represents a real decline of minus 3.06 percent from fiscal 2012, based on OMB estimates of inflation during fiscal 2013, which starts on Oct. 1.

In a section (.pdf) included in the budget request sent Feb. 13 by the Obama administration to Congress, OMB attributes the decline to slowing Defense Department spending on major automated IT systems. 

For more:
go to the White House fiscal 2013 budget page



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