Pilgrim & the NRC: 9/11 Redux?

From: Cape Cod Today

Is the Plymouth nuclear plant a target for terrorists?

To the Editor:

The parallels between the old Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) in the lead up to the September 11, 2001 attacks and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) today are unmistakable.


Is it vulnerable? Well, thanks to the NRC and Entergy, yes it is. Just look at the recent decision to delay transfer of spent fuel assemblies to dry cask storage and the Nuclear Energy Institute’s (the industry’s main trade group) efforts to revise cyber security requirements in a way that experts say will leave our nuclear plants’ systems more vulnerable. Is it mere coincidence that Pilgrim Station was supposed to have its cyber security plan fully implemented by December 15, 2014 and that requirement has now been delayed by the NRC until June 30, 2016?

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