Measuring the impact of government cyber security initiatives on enterprise

From: Information Age

The likes of CERT-UK could be having a positive influence on IT departments’ policies and strategy, but are individual employees hearing the message?

Posted by Chloe Green

New research released today reveals that 45% of IT professionals feel government initiatives like CERT-UK and Operation Waking Shark II have actively helped them raise awareness of cybersecurity to senior management.

The research, conducted by cybersecurity service provider SecureData and Vanson Bourne, investigated the impact government security initiatives had on end-user organisations in 2014, with nearly half (47%) reporting that initiatives have helped them communicate the importance of security across their organisation.

Over a third (39%) of participants also stated that they had used the insights from such initiatives to define IT security standards and policies, with a quarter (24%) using information garnered from them to set security strategies.

But despite this obvious degree of influence, not all IT professionals feel government initiatives have had such a positive influence – nearly a quarter (23%) said that these initiatives have gone largely unnoticed within their organisation, with 34% also divulging that they haven’t used the insights of CERT-UK in any way.

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