BOEM Asks Whether any Areas Should be Excluded from Chukchi Oil and Gas Leasing

BOEM is calling for Information and Nominations as the initial step in the prelease process for Lease Sale 237 in the Chukchi Sea Planning Area, scheduled to be held in 2016, as included in the Proposed Final OCS Oil and Gas Leasing Program 2012-2017 .

Among other information, BOEM is seeking recommendations either to exclude specific blocks or areas from oil and gas leasing, or to be leased under special conditions due to conflicting values, uses or environmental concerns. Interested parties should indicate proposed exclusion areas on the large-scale Call map available at Interested parties also may use the interactive map tool for the Arctic at Interested parties are encouraged to be as specific as possible in explaining why the area should be excluded or leased under special conditions, provide supporting information, and be prepared to discuss the proposed exclusion areas with BOEM. Interested parties are requested to provide the telephone number and name of the individual to contact.

BOEM’s Federal register notice of this Call is available at .

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