Please Report Misstatements by the Press on Seismic Operations to CRE


  —   In the preceding post CRE identified a misstatement in the Business Insider regarding their reporting on seismic operations.

  —   The response to making the post was overwhelming, nearly a record number of visits to the Interactive Public Docket  notwithstanding the fact that the post was made  late on Friday and at the end of August.

 Reporting A Misstatement

 —    CRE recommends that its many readers notify CRE regarding misstatements made by the press regarding seismic operations.

 —   The notifications can be made using any one of three mechanisms on this Interactive Public Docket:

       Contact the Forum   Use this link

      Comment on Any Existing Post

       Submit a New Post    See the mechanism to the right of this post

—  All of the above posts can be made anonymously without registering

 CRE Response

 —   Within available resources, CRE will analyze the said press article and present its analysis on this IPD.  Example

 —  CRE will submit its analysis to the said publication and solicit public comment.

 —   CRE will submit its analysis, and any correspondence from the said publication, to affected federal agencies by providing a link to the article on  this IPD.

—     In the past the Press  has made inquiries regarding the reaction of federal regulators to  CRE posts ; CRE’s  response is as follows:

 “The consideration and ultimate acceptance of the material on an IPD by federal regulators and their regulatory overseers depends in large part on the recognized regulatory expertise and federal credentials of the managers of the organization which hosts the IPD.”

1 comment. Leave a Reply

  1. Anonymous

    What about this article on NPR:?

    NPR states:

    One of the biggest culprits of underwater noise is the technique used to prospect for oil and gas offshore. Companies use high-volume air guns that are so loud, you can see the water rise and fall when the guns go off.

    They go on to quote one and only one spokesman on the issue, a person from NRDC.

    This one-sided reporting if I ever saw it.

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