EU Publishes Incomplete Brief on Underwater Noise

The European Commission ‘s Science for Environmental Policy Service has prepared and published a Future Brief:  Underwater Noise.   Science for Environment Policy is a free news and information service published by the European Commission’s Directorate-General Environment, which provides the latest environmental policy relevant research findings. Future Briefs are a feature of the service, which provide  forecasts of environmental policy issues on the horizon. In addition to Future Briefs, Science for Environment Policy also publishes a weekly News Alert which is delivered by email to subscribers and provides accessible summaries of key scientific studies. The Underwater Noise Future Brief addresses seismic among other sound sources. Its quality would have been greatly improved if it had discussed some of the U.S. regulation of seismic.  It includes the following chapters:

1) Introduction;

2)Types and sources of underwater noise;

3) Impacts of underwater noise on marine life;

4)The ultimate effects of underwater noise on people and society;

5)Monitoring underwater noise;

6)Reducing the impact of underwater noise;

7)Knowledge gaps; and


Click here to read this Future Brief.

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