Navy Meetings on EIS

The U.S. Navy is holding a series of public meetings in Washington, Oregon, Northern California, and Southeast Alaska to provide information on the Northwest Training and Testing Draft Environmental Impact Statement/Overseas Environmental Impact Statement.  These meetings are also being held to allow the public to ask questions and submit comments about the Draft EIS/OEIS.

The Navy invites the public to submit comments on the NWTT Draft EIS/OEIS during the comment period, which ends on March 25.  All comments received by the deadline will be considered in the development of the Final EIS/OEIS.  People can comment in a few different ways: in person (oral and written) at a public meeting, by mail or online at the project website via the online comment form.

The Draft EIS documents as well as the online comment form can be found on the NWTT EIS/OEIS project website.


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