BOEM Plans on Publishing New Chukchi SEIS ROD in March 2015

In January, 2014, the U.S. Court of Appeals affirmed an Alaska District Court decision which held that BOEM arbitrarily used an estimate of 1 billion barrels of economically recoverable oil from the Chukchi in assessing the potential environmental impacts of the 2008 Chukchi Sea oil and gas lease sale. BOEM has filed a status report with the district court.  The agency told the court that it anticipates issuing a new record of decision, or ROD, in March 2015, after the completion of a new supplementary environmental impact statement, or SEIS, for the sale.

BOEM intends to publish a draft SEIS early in October 2014. After a 45-day public comment period and whatever revisions BOEM makes based on comments, the agency intends to publish a final SEIS in February 2015, with the ROD for the lease sale following after a mandatory 30-day waiting period.

Click here to read a Petroleum News article on BOEM’s SEIS plans.




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