A Request for Peer Review

 Interested parties: CRE  is conducting a peer review of “A Review of the Effects of Seismic Surveys on Marine Mammals”.

 The study is available at  A Review of Sesimic Surveys.pdf (324 KB)

A library of the  studies referenced in the aforementioned Review has been compiled  to make it easier for the public to submit comments.  The library also contains many of the regulatory filings made by CRE in the past decade on marine sound.

 Studies posted on this page need not be limited to the articles referenced in the aforementiioned “Review”; please feel free to add other  studies of particular  significance by sending  copies of the  studies to CRE  by making a post with a copy of the study as an attachment to  CRE.

This paricular Review  was choosen as our  initial subject  for peer review because  the studies identified therein utilize a wide range of methdodolgies  to determine the physical and behavioral effects  of sesimic operations  and any resultant shortcomings in those  methodolgies are likely to prevail generically in  all or most such studies using those methodolgies.

There are upwards to 150 reports identified in the Review.  CRE envisions two types of comments;  one  set aimed at cross-cutting issues applicable to a number of the studies and the other comments addressed to a specific study.

Based upon CRE’s past experience in conducting peer reviews of a wide range of subject areas,  obtaining comments specific to a particular study presents the biggest challenge.

For short comments which are not accompanied by a document to be attached to the comments you may wish to use the “comment” section below this post.. More detailed comments which are accompanied by an attached document can  be made by using the  posting capability to the right of this post. Please  note the “Send” button is located below the software used to attach a document.

In posting comments no registration is required and  comments may be made anonymously.  See this description of an IPD which discusses in detail the incentives federal regulators have  to review and download information from an IPD, the most fundamental being  the regulatory expertise  and federal credentials  of the managers of the organization which hosts the IPD.

 As noted in the preceding post, CRE Brazil will be leading  the effort  to seek the continued input from national regulators and NGO’s.

The aforementioned peer reviews should be consistent with the peer review guidelines issued by OMB pursuant to the Data Quality Act  aka Informatiion Quality Act;  a statute initially proposed by CRE  which is described in detail in a government  publication,  the  Naval Law Review.

CRE will issue periodic reports to federal regulators and the public based upon the comments received herein.

2 comments. Leave a Reply

  1. CRE Brazil

    Professor Engel of Brazil conducted a study entitled “Are seismic surveys responsible for cetacean strandings? An unusual mortality of adult Humpback Whales in Abrolhos Bank, Northeastern coast of Brazil.’

    See http://www.norskoljeoggass.no/PageFiles/6574/Effects%20of%20seismic%20surveys%20on%20fish,%20fish%20catches%20and%20sea%20mammals.pdf?epslanguage=no

    The International Whaling Commission overstated the impact of seismic operations on marine mammals as set forth in the Engel study and CRE called this misstatement to the attention of NOAA as a violation of the Data Quality Act

    Upon review of the CRE position and much to its credit, NMFS stated very clearly that the IWC had mischaracterized the results of the Engel study.

    It is clear that in developing regulations with respect to the BOEM petition to NMFS regarding incidental takes that the Data Quality Act provides a statutory metric for judging studies.

  2. Communication to CRE by a private party

    I note on the Library page the following entry:

    CRE Files Comments on BOEMRE’s Revised Take Application for Gulf of Mexico Seismic


    Has CRE’s position changed?

    CRE Response

    CRE’s position remains as written in the submission; however it is subject to change pending the results of the current review.

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