IUCN Call for Applications to Serve on Independent Whale Panel

The international union for Conservation of Nature is calling for Applications from independent experts to serve on the IUCN’s Western Gray Whale Advisory Panel (WGWAP).

The Panel has provided independent scientific and technical advice and recommendations on ways to minimize impacts on western gray whales from oil and gas development offshore Russia’s Sakhalin Island, just north of Japan, for the last 10 years.

IUCN is now seeking to recruit between 6-10 experts to serve on the Panel for a 15-month period from 1 October 2015 to 31 December 2016.

The expertise required ranges from general cetacean biology, population assessment and modelling to bio-acoustics and environmental monitoring. IUCN is also looking for expertise related to marine mammal response to disturbance and mitigation measures, especially but not exclusively with respect to oil and gas activities, as well as experience interpreting relevant Performance Standards of the International Finance Corporation / World Bank Group on environmental and social sustainability.

The application form, along with some background information, details concerning the open positions, specific expertise requirements and the general TORs are available online via http://iucn.org/wgwap/?21582 OR https://hrms.iucn.org/iresy/index.cfm?event=vac.showOpenList (see at the bottom of the list).

Applications and requests for further information should be sent by email to anete.berzina@iucn.org no later than 20th August 2015.

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