Interior Department Cancels Beaufort and Chukchi Sea Lease Sales

The U.S. Department of the Interior has announced that it will cancel the two potential Arctic offshore lease sales scheduled under the current five-year offshore oil and gas leasing program for 2012-2017. The U.S. Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE) also denied requests from Shell and Statoil for lease suspensions, which would have extended the expiration date of the leases.  Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell stated:

“In light of Shell’s announcement, the amount of acreage already under lease and current market conditions, it does not make sense to prepare for lease sales in the Arctic in the next year and a half.”

Under the current Five-Year Program, Chukchi Sea Lease Sale 237 was scheduled potentially for 2016.  The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) issued a Call for Information and Nominations in September 2013, in response to which industry submitted no specific nominations.  Shell recently announced that the results of its exploration well at the Burger J site in the Chukchi Sea did not warrant further exploration in the Burger prospect.

Similarly, Beaufort Sea Lease Sale 242 had been scheduled potentially for the first half of 2017.  BOEM published a Call for Information and Nominations in July 2014, but only received one nomination, thereby raising concerns about the competitiveness of any such lease sale at this time.

Click here to read Interior’s statement on this action.

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